Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Don't call it a comeback...

I can't promise I won't post this little tidbit and then not post again for two months. I'm just warning all my loyal readers...

Like most four year old little girls, Lilly is enthralled with ballerinas. She has been talking about ballet class for months now and I keep dragging my feet to get her signed up. Mostly because of budget constraints, but also because I have to wrangle her little brother while she's prancing around in her tutu for 45 minutes. But when I heard her little friend Macy was taking a class right down the street from us, I hightailed it right over to the Capezio store, got the girl some proper ballet gear AND the necessary tap shoes, and got her signed up.

Ok. The Capezio store. I mean, if you are going to be a ballerina, the Capezio store is where it's at. The real deal in there for sure.

She DID NOT sleep last night. I'm serious. She was so excited, she slept her pink leotard. She wanted to also sleep in her tights, but I put the brakes on that. She woke up more than once asking if it was time to go to ballet class yet. No, not at 2am, and not at 4am either. Good thing it was a 9am class...I'm not sure I would have made it through the day with her anticipation.

The whole scene was super cute. Just what it should have been. She was beaming the entire time and totally in her element. Her teacher, Miss April, is so great and obviously knows how to teach the little girls. I was so impressed and now I'm convinced that maybe, just maybe, Lilly has a chance at being a "real" ballerina. Maybe.


But it was still really cute and I'm excited to take her every week. I love that the class has a dress code--only ballet pink and black. And hair must be in a bun. So proper.

Ballet class. Check.


Anonymous said...

OMG. I'm dying by the cuteness of this post. Her hair in that little bun with the ribbon! I love how she wanted to sleep in her get up too. So precious.

I took ballet. Bri and I wore tutus and everything. Mom should find those pictures. Can you picture Bri doing ballet? Right.

Suzanne g said...

Capezio = legit. 5'2", Santa looking 30 something year old pedophile sales associate = not so much.

k. said...

Every little girl needs some Capezios. That's what I wore when I danced. And love the dress code.

She looks darling. And you have a four year old, what?!

Farrah said...

Super cute. I've been planning on starting Georgia in a ballet/tap combo class this summer and this totally whet my appetite.

Missy said...

Avery has been begging again too, really. I need too find one. I'll find one though and then she and Lil can perform for us next time we visit each other?

Elena (Running in Heels After Child) said...

So sweet. There is little I like more then a little girl dressed for ballet.

Susanna said...


I want to see you. Some day, we'll make it happen. Maybe when all this mad rain stops.


Kellie said...


Farrah said...

Okay, you need to get back on the wagon here! Since we don't ever talk on the phone or email, this is my main form of communication with you and I feel like my good friend has gone AWOL. I miss hearing about your life happenings!