Sunday, January 23, 2011

If I were a train, I'd be a bullet train...

I hope there are enough peanut M&M's in the greater Sacramento area to get me through the next few weeks.

Ryan left for a 12 day business trip yesterday. We already miss him. But I know he will miss us more--and really miss his own bed. And just like clockwork, Lilly started running a fever this afternoon. I could tell something was up when she wasn't interested in going outside after Caleb's nap. Hmmm. And then she went in her room and brought back a pair of pajamas. She said she wanted to go to bed. It was 5:25. I took her temperature and sure enough, she had a mild fever. Actually, if I can toot my own horn here, I though she might have a temperature when I went to fix the barrette in her hair. My hand grazed her forehead and she seemed just a bit too warm. I'm telling you, I'm getting good.

She was asleep by 5:30, I kid you not. Caleb and I had Cheerios for dinner and kicked it alone downstairs until it was his bedtime. Strange afternoon/evening. Things could get interesting in the middle of the night.

I'm on a new cocktail of anti-depressants, and for the first time since, oh, 2006, I'm starting to feel like myself again. It's slow going, but I can feel the changes. I've also started my hard core (the kind that make you want to puke) workouts up again. I'm a broken record in this department, I know, but I'm serious this time. For real.

I'm painting all my dark furniture white. I really am. I need to brighten this place up. Watch for it.


Missy said...

Oh no, poor Lill. And you. Good's a tough go for that long, I understand. Hoping Lilly's fever doesn't launch into anything worse.

Your photography book is working my friend. These photos are phenomenal, especially that last one.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love these photos Jen. Caleb's hair looks so dark! He's becoming a little man. And Lilly a little girl....sigh.

Lindsey said...

Love these photos! especially the last one!

Good luck the next two week. Alan is gone this week, and I was not a very good mommy last night... oops.

hope lilly feels better soon!

Heidi said...

I miss your blogging and was so happy to see this post. The pictures are just making me think of that funny video you posted on Facebook.

Good luck with Ryan gone. At least your parents are not too far if you really need help right?

Ryan + Jess said...

I'm so sorry about Lilly. Sick kids make life so hard. And sad.

Those pictures of your kids are completely beautiful. They are so grown up. I love Lilly's yellow jacket - I wish it came in my size!

Good luck with the next little while! And with your workouts!!

k. said...

Photos, yes. Amazing.

Mike is gone all week. It's been almost 2 days. I might be going crazy already (and burning a small hole through my Amex as a coping mechanism).

Farrah said...

Super cute pics. I can't believe Caleb's hair is brown now! I hear you about the workouts....gotta get there myself. Had a major off the wagon two months in Dec. and Jan. and the results are not pretty my friend, not pretty.