Wednesday, January 05, 2011

2011 up in here...

It rained all New Year's weekend. Buckets. Ryan and Caleb could only take so much Wii, XBox, and Playstation--they needed a break. Ryan put Caleb in Lilly's raincoat and out they went. The kid was way into it. Stomping in the gutters, looking up at the sky, peeking into the drains. Lilly is scared of the rain. Hmmm.

We had a great December. My sisters both flew in, my brother was here, and my parents came down for Christmas day. And Ryan was home for more than 2 consecutive days! I love having him home. He says it's because he does everything (a lot), but I say it's because everything is more fun when he's around. It's true. But he's having some neck/back pain right now and that has put a damper on his mood lately. We are working on getting him better though. Like many others it seems, our new year started out sort of lame. Lilly and Caleb were both really sick the week after Christmas. High fevers, double ear infections and nasty, nasty chest colds. Lilly was in and out of it on the couch for three days--it was surreal. We got some antibiotics and all is well there. I went to bed at 7:30 last night feeling sort of weird. Woke up with a stomach thing, but it's gone. I'm hoping the Tibetan prayer flags I got Ryan for Christmas and that are now flying across our garage, will do the trick and keep my kids from getting anything having to do with barf and/or diarrhea.

2011. I don't know. I think it's a strange number. But, I'm hoping it will be a good year. I've made some mental notes of things I would like to work on over the next few month--not resolutions--those are lame. Rather, I'm going to stop talking about doing a few things I've been wanting to do and actually do them.


learn how to use my camera
cook dinner at least three days a week
cut down my soda intake
Push myself more in the physical fitness department

What? I've mentioned all of things time and time again on this blog? EXACTLY! That's what I'm talking about--stopping the procrastinating. I was just telling my friend Kathryn tonight that I keep sitting around waiting for my "real" life to begin and um...hello, I'm IN IT!

Ryan is in Iowa. What happens in Iowa? Seriously.


Ryan + Jess said...

2011. I can't believe it.

I totally know what you mean about waiting for life, only to realize it is happening around you. I think it is especially hard as a mom because you are always waiting for that next stage and I always forget to appreciate where I am.

I hope 2011 is THE year for you :)

Missy said...

I'm with you. Let's exchange dinner ideas and plan a race together.

The Tibetan prayer flags DEFINITELY work.

k. said...

K, I told Missy tonight (via text?) that I needed new dinner ideas. Can we swap weekly menus or something? I'm serious. I. NEED. HELP.

And you're so funny, Jen. That 2011 is a strange number. That made me giggle. But seriously. Aren't we supposed to be flying around in hovercrafts or something? Where did 1991 go?

You were a good friend to me tonight - thank you.

k. said...

PS, I'm trying to quit soda as well. Again. Sigh.

Heidi said...

I need to learn how to use my camera too.

I think right now I would take rain over more snow...

Diane said...

I am so with you on the camera! My mom got me a subscription to Everyday Food. It is a little reader's digest sized magazine with recipes, etc. They are all pretty simple and honestly I want to cook everything in it. And it is so weird and fun getting a print magazine/recipes because I'm so accustomed to using the internet.
You need to open your garage and your door into the house and get some cross ventilation going so those prayer flags do their magic. They like to sway in the wind. Blow that good stuff into your house!!!

Bri said...

I think the midwest in general is weird.

Glad Lilly and Cal are feeling better!

And, um, just so you know, I need new hamstrings after that Jillian Michaels workout. For real, it feels like I had a double hamstring transplant.

Bradley Morris said...

Love your blog Jen...the only problem is I don't come here often enough. Thanks for sharing!