Monday, December 06, 2010

Support crew...

Missy finished the marathon. As if there was any question that she wouldn't. I'm sure she'll post all the details of her race and the fun pictures of her crossing the finish line and the after photo with her adorable family.

We managed some pretty great support crew while managing to keep four kids from getting run over by runners and/or motorcycle police. We might have had a few close calls with Caleb and some runners, but overall, we kept everyone safe!

(Lilly getting her alone time with Missy post meltdown...)

(Around mile 17...)

(Trying to keep everyone wrangled at the finish...I look pretty...)

It was a great day. We all had so much fun cheering Missy on--the kids thought it was the greatest day ever! And they were pretty cute up at mile 17 or so when we had to have them walk the yellow line so we could keep everyone together. And then we saw Missy! We cheered! And clapped! And then we high tailed it to the finish line where we joined the crowd and the fabulous energy and welcomed the runners to the finish at the state capitol. We saw Missy just as she made the turn to the finish line and the kids I waved and yelled her name. I might have gotten a little emotional--she met her goal and I was so happy for her.

And then we went and had french toast. And took showers. And naps.

Lilly had about 27 meltdowns. The best one was after Missy finished the race and took a family photo with Dev and the girls. Lilly was upset she couldn't be in the photo--apparently she wasn't getting the Missy time she needed. She got her own photo with the runner and all was well.

Missy is amazing. You should have seen her.


Lisa Olsen said...

Awesome pics!!! What fun to cheer Missy on. She did great. Can't believe her time. The pic of Caleb on the yellow line....OMG and then the one with all of them!!! Sounds like a fun day.Makes me want to put on my shoes and take up running again....or not.

Missy said...

Believe it or not we are still driving home...!!!

Reading blogs while Dev drives and this made me so happy! Like the whole weekend really happened and we had so much fun (and not in the car for 12 hours...)

Love and miss you guys!!

Lisa Olsen said...

PS: I love the pic of Missy reaching out to the kids...and the other runners, all men around her are thinking..."how can that chick be smiling right now!!" She doesn't even look tired!!

Anonymous said...

Good job, Missy! I happen to know you are amazing too! Loved these pics. They all must be framed.

Lindsey said...

amazing! that is so exciting and how fun to have a support crew like you guys. :)

Heidi said...

Caleb in that top photo?! I want to mush him.

Lucky Missy to have such a great support crew. She totally looks like running a marathon is the easiest thing in the world.

Bri said...

Yea for Missy! Heard her time was pretty phenomenal!

Oh man, those kids walking that yellow line. Priceless.

RR said...

I wish I could leave a comment for the CHP motorcycle guys to read. I'm sure keeping the runners safe is totally super important. So important, in fact, that on the other side of the street, where kids can cheer, they should totally be able to fly by at 60 mph. Good grief. It took every creative idea in our limited Sunday-morning brains to keep the kids from walking into a CHP wreck or middle-aged-white-guy-angry-runner land.

There's nothing like a good road race--and all of its energy--to make for a nice day.

Personally, I was partial to all the xbox gaming over the weekend. But we'll let that be a separate post over at my blog: "complete loser guys who, yes, even in their late 30s, love video games-dot-dork-dot-come."

Missy, nice work. The travel is brutal. Arguably harder than running 26 miles. And having Juice there was, as always, necessary. I wish we had video of the Juice/Lilly cuddle bunny game. What a hot funny mess Lilly becomes when she's not the center of attention.

(no idea where she got that, by the way. no idea. I mean, I have my suspicions, but still. no idea.)

Diane said...

Missy is awesome! I don't even know her and I'm all teary eyed reading this. I am a total sentimentalist. Missy is obviously one of the coolest Aunts ever judging by Lilly's melt-downs and face in that picture. I agree with Lisa, those men are totally thinking WTF that woman isn't even working hard!!!
We watched from by our house and my girls were almost taken down by the motorcycle cops, too. Lame.
So, so inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

Meggan said...

I wish so much I could've been there. The photo where Missy is reaching out to the kids is for sure a framer.

The one with her and Lilly is so good too. Everyone loves Missy!!! My kids are always wanting her too. But the blue lips! BRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

k. said...

Amazing. And the photos, too. And Lilly's coat.