Thursday, October 28, 2010


It's true--my family has always been die hard San Francisco Giants fans. The fact that we are up 2 games to 0 in the World Series is a very, very big deal. My grandma (she is gone now), was maybe the Giants' biggest fan. The baseball game was always on at her house and she was serious about it. One of my favorite memories of my grandma June (Lilly June Rauzon's namesake) was not too long before she started to get sick. We went to a Giants game down at AT&T park--it might have been her first time in that park, I can't remember. Anyway, she was a small woman--very petite. She was always "watching her figure" and eating like a bird. But as soon as she got into that park and saw all the different food items all around, she was into it! Every time someone around us would come back with something, she'd want to know what they had. I remember her saying, "Well, we better try those garlic fries." This was after a hot dog and peanuts. She was the best and I hope she is watching this series from her favorite recliner.

It's been a busy week around here. Ryan's been out of town all week and we've had preschool, play-dates, meltdowns, Halloween parties, more meltdowns, baseball games on tv, costume construction, dermatologist appointments, eye doctor appointments, etc. I'm thankful we went to the gym Halloween party--it was a good run through and a sure way to tell that Caleb will not be wearing the caterpillar costume I made for him. He wants nothing to do with it or the antennae. Lame. So now I have to reassess his costume options and put him in something that passes as a costume but is nothing more than normal clothing. Lilly, however, has been ready to trick-or-treat since last Monday. She asks me every day if it's time to start Halloween and every day, I have to tell her that it's still a few days away. Honestly, I'll be glad when October is over. I'm ready to put the spooky decor away and move on.

I saw The Social Network last weekend. If you haven't seen that movie because you think it's a dumb movie about Facebook, you are not cool. It's the best movie I've seen in a really, really long time. It is so fiercely entertaining and smart--I didn't want it to end.

Lilly watched an episode of Little Bear last week where Mother Bear tucks Little Bear into bed and says, "Don't let the bedbugs bite." She's been coming into my room every night since telling me she has bedbugs. Let me be clear that she is not afraid or having bad dreams about bedbugs. She is simply using the bedbugs as an excuse to get into my bed. Last night as she was having a fit from staying up too late and fighting bedtime, she started wailing about how she didn't want to sleep in her bed... "Ouch! They are getting me...the bedbugs are pulling my hair and biting my legs!" It was funny, but I was so over her tantrum by this point.

Caleb has seen Toy Story a few times and has figured out that the Buzz and Woody dolls go together. He carries them all over the house. I'm amazed at how fast he picked up on it. He's so funny lately--he has this really funny walk and when you ask him to be a monster, he puts his hands up by his face and growls. And when you ask him what a kitty says, he says, "Maw." I love it. We've been trying to use the video camera a lot because they do some pretty funny stuff and I want to remember it.

I'm going to Vegas next weekend with my best friend, Kelly. She is leaving her 41/2 month old twins for the first time. I love this woman so much--she's my soul mate. Well, her and Ryan. But Ryan loves her as much as I do, so it's ok. She lives in Calgary and so I don't get to see her much, but it's ok, because she gets me and I get her and neither of us are high maintenance friends. But when we are together, it's on. We are shopping and eating and sleeping, and then shopping some more. There are no Targets in Canada, so we'll be visiting every Target in the Las Vegas area. I can not wait. And, I'd like to thank my husband and Juice for making it happen for me.

Tomorrow is Friday. Ryan will be back from DC tomorrow night and we will have made it through the week! Disney on Ice and Game 3 on Saturday. Trick-or-treating on Sunday. It's going to be fun.


Lindsey said...

Your vegas trip with your friend kelly sounds like so much fun. I'm excited for you.

Loved the social network too. So good.

Heidi said...

The only MLB game I have ever been to in my entire life was a Giants game. I loved their stadium, and the garlic fries.

Targets in Vegas- oh boy. There were at least 4 Targets within a five mile radius of my house when I lived there. Have so much fun!`

Diane said...

Yay for Vegas! Yay for real friends! And Giants fever is so so fun. Charlotte has it for Timmy... of all guys. She asked if he could come over to our house. I said, "Do you know what his nickname is? The Freak!" She replies, "Can we just call him Tim then?" So funny.
Have a great weekend! Welcome home, Ry!

Missy said...

You are going to have such a great time next weekend. I'm so happy for you! Friends like that really are so so great. Please take lots of photos.

Bummer that Cal won't be a caterpillar, but at least you found out before the 21st.

Lilly is the funniest little girl. She makes me laugh. Hard not to be annoyed when you are at that point, but SO funny to look back on right?